GKMC Construction and Consultancy Inc. is a construction company focused on innovative solutions for seismic retrofitting of public buildings in our country such as schools, hospitals etc. with advanced and novel structural reinforcement technologies that is developed by R&D Institute of Maeda Corporation.
It is observed that the use of hospitals, schools, industrial facilities and public buildings in Turkey is interrupted during conventional retrofitting works, adversely affecting numerous people.
The most important feature of the structural reinforcement method promoted by GKMC in Turkey is that it is more economic and completed within a shorter time compared to conventional construction works, and it is applied externally without interrupting occupancy of the building. This method has been successfully used in many reinforced concrete structures such as schools and hospitals in Japan.
GKMC continues to develop innovative solutions with the sense of social responsibility and intention to contribute to resolution of the structural problem of buildings vis a vis earthquake in our country.